Our Philosophy — PL3Y Inc.
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We believe that through movement you can do more than just help people get fit – that you can foster community, positive mindsets and vibrant health.
Our goal is to help everyday people discover, practice and maintain a positive and playful mindset towards physical activity and lifelong active living.




The ‘3’ in our name represents our “3 Rules of PLAY.”


Our first rule: BE POSITIVE (we can all use a bit of practice on this one, right?): Instead of saying “I can’t” say “I’ll try”


Our second rule is that we want you to BE FUN! We want you to share the best and most fun version of yourself!


Each person is different – our third rule celebrates each person’s unique physical literacy journey. BE YOURSELF



3.5 Million











physical literacy

Bodies were made to move. The ability to move confidently while doing a variety of different activities is the spice of life! At PL3Y, our vision is to inspire positivity and develop physical literacy through a wide range of physical activities. We achieve this through world class programs that harness the power of music and movement to allow people to discover the best version of themselves!


our story

Founded by award-winning teacher Melanie Levenberg in 2013, PL3Y Education is the world leader in school-based physical literacy programs for students, and trainings for teachers. In 2008, only 23% of schools in Ontario, Canada had a qualified physical education teacher, which is a terrifying statistic! As a Physical Education teacher herself, Melanie’s desire was that all students, in any school, would have the opportunity to experience a quality physical education program that was based in purposeful pedagogy.

With this in mind, Melanie created a suite of Physical Literacy program offerings and workshops, all with the goal of getting children active in a fun, engaging, and purposeful way. She delivered workshops to students and teachers across the world, learning and hearing from educators about a need for quality physical literacy programs in schools.

In 2013 Melanie began to train additional instructors and Master Trainers in DANCEPL3Y, the flagship program for PL3Y Education. Through this program, school teachers and community leaders around the world were trained to deliver pre-choreographed dance and fitness programs that foster physical literacy and promote positive mental health through the 3 Rules of PL3Y. Within a few short years, the demand for PL3Y Education’s school programs and workshops had grown tremendously, leading to the recruitment of local Region Operators to provide school programs throughout North America . This group of entrepreneurial leaders included children’s fitness enthusiasts and former school teachers, with a passion for children’s physical and mental health, as well as the desire to have a positive impact through their businesses.

In 2016, the first eight regions were launched, each made up of certified PL3Y program instructors, specifically trained to help school teachers to meet and asses Physical Education and Arts curriculum outcomes, while building positive school culture and helping students make meaningful connections.

Now operating in over 12 regions worldwide, PL3Y Education program providers are reaching over 150,000 students each year, through teams of local instructors who deliver high quality, award-winning physical literacy programs.. In 2019, PL3Y Education launched two new curriculum-based programs for schools: YOGAPL3Y and POWERPL3Y! Local leaders are stepping forward from communities around the world, to operate PL3Y Education regions and help fulfill the vision of helping children to be happier, healthier humans.

Through Activation Workshops, School Residencies, and Pro D workshops, more than 650 schools, 15,000 teachers, and 3,500,000 students around the world have been able to experience the impact of PL3Y Education’s curriculum-based, interACTIVE physical literacy programs!



Melanie Levenberg is a Physical Education teacher and international leader in physical literacy programming for children and youth. She holds her Master in Education in Curriculum, Teaching and Learning as well as Bachelors of Education and Kinesiology and has written papers on The Effects on Comprehensive School Health (CSH) Model on Academic Achievement, and the Barriers to the Implementation of a CSH Model in Schools in a Minority-Language Setting.


As a keynote speaker and workshop leader, she has travelled across the world to support school districts, organizations, not-for-profits and corporations in designing and implementing high-quality physical literacy programs that keep kids active while building confidence, competence and motivation. Melanie’s workshops have been featured at international conferences and events as best practice for school-based dance, fitness and physical literacy programming.



